How do I set up Member Groups?

Member Groups enable you to organise your Members for easy communications and administration

1. To set up a Member Group click Members in the side bar

2. Then click the Member Groups button at the top of the page

Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 09.03.03

3. Click Add New Group - fill in Group Name and click Create

4. Select the Edit Members icon for the Member Group (People icon)

Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 09.13.44

5. Select the Members you are adding to the group by clicking their name (the row will highlight)

6. Once all the Members are selected, click the X at the top of the box to save changes

Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 09.15.49-1

Your Member Group will now display the number of Members - you can always return to add or remove Members at any time by unhighlighting their name which will remove them from the group